I'm Lyle Broughton, and I am a professional chain reaction artist. I have over 9 years of experience designing, building, and testing chain reaction (Rube Goldberg) machines for my YouTube channel, jackofallspades98. My channel has grown to over 6,000 subscribers, and over 1 million total views.
I was also a contestant on Domino Masters, a competition reality TV show in which teams of domino/chain reaction artists compete for $100,000 and the title of "Domino Masters." I was the chain reaction expert on the winning team of the show, which aired on FOX from March-May 2022. My teammates were Derek & Alex Koops from DaksDominoes. Together our team was the Dominerds. The entire series is available now on Hulu.
Chain reaction art involves repurposing everyday household objects to create intricate tabletop mechanisms, complex physics tricks, and multi-use elements, all with an emphasis on being understandable, surprising, and even humorous to watch. Chain reaction machines are so much more than just a design challenge, they are an entire art form.
Over my career, I've built hundreds of personal machines for YouTube, I've taken part in several live events at museums across the United States, and I've helped build chain reactions for companies such as Microsoft, Disney, Gillette, and Sylvania. If you are interested in hiring me, I am available for commissioned work such as live events, commercials, or product placements. See the contact form below to reach out!
This form sends a notification to me, but you're more than welcome to reach out directly by emailing me at jackofallspades98@gmail.com.